To attain the high aim the school intends for all the students, full co-operation of the parents or guardians is imperative. The best of school training is seriously crippled unless the home does its part. Parents are requested to see that their children spend at least two hours in the evening reading and writing.  All parents are earnestly asked to ensure that the ideals of courtesy and gentlemanliness which are proposed to the children during school hours are lived in their home life.

Parents should co-operate with the school’s effort by their total involvement to bring about maturity in their children.  This calls for a real understanding of the school’s philosophy; it means that parents should strive to be living examples of the values taught to and expected of their wards; it means keeping the Principal and the concerned teachers informed of any special problems, family circumstances or other pertinent facts that are necessary for a proper understanding and guidance of their wards. Total involvement means to co-operate with the school, in order to achieve its aims and objectives and contribute to its growth and development.

To attain total harmony/rapport between the home and school:

–    Principal sends information about the activities, achievements, growth and development of De Nobili.

–    Progress cards are given at the end of each assessment period.

–    Parents-Teachers meetings are organized.

–    Parents are encouraged to meet the teachers by appointment made through the Principal, in order to discuss the progress of their wards.

–    Parents harassing a De Nobili teacher (in or outside the school) for favours for their wards, may be asked to withdraw their wards from the school.

–    The example of parents is again stressed. The school will be able to do very little for students whose parents give      bad example (through dishonesty, insincerity or bad language…. etc.) or teaching something contradictory to what is taught in school.